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Welcome to Washington Square Minyan!

Washington Square Minyan is an independent, lay-led, egalitarian minyan based in Brookline, Massachusetts. 

We strive to create a meaningful Tefillah experience through our commitment to both halachah and egalitarianism, connecting people from diverse Jewish backgrounds to build a warm and vibrant community. We usually daven with separate seating, without a mechitzah, but approximately once a month we add an all-gender section. (Dates of the two-section and three-section configurations will be added to the calendar.)

The Minyan meets on the 384 Harvard campus in Brookline, Massachusetts, for Tefillah on most Shabbat mornings, holidays, and some Friday nights. The minyan also hosts community events and other programming.

If you have any questions about our minyan, please contact us and join our weekly announcement list!


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
Selichot - 1st Night
    Erev Rosh Hashana
    • 6:05pm Candle Lighting
    Rosh Hashana
       8:30am Shacharit & Mussaf
    • 4:00pm Tashlich
    • 7:03pm Candle Lighting
    Rosh Hashana
       8:30am Shacharit & Mussaf
    • 6:02pm Candle Lighting
    Shabbat Shuva
       9:15am Meeting this Shabbat!
       11:30am Community Lunch- Parashat Ha'azinu & Shabbat Shuva
    • 7:00pm Havdalah
    Fast of Gedalia
      Erev Yom Kippur
         5:35pm Kol Nidrei- Doors Open
         5:50pm Kol Nidrei & Maariv
      • 5:50pm Candle Lighting
      Yom Kippur
         8:30am Shacharit & Mussaf
         4:00pm Mincha, Neila & Maariv
      • 6:48pm Havdalah
         6:55pm Break-fast!
      Erev Sukkot
      • 5:42pm Candle Lighting
         9:15am Meeting this Chag!
      • 6:40pm Candle Lighting
         9:15am Meeting this Chag!
         12:30pm Sukka Hop & Community Lunch- 2nd Day of Sukkot- 5785
      • 5:39pm Candle Lighting
      Chol Hamoed Sukkot
         9:15am Meeting this Shabbat!
      • 6:37pm Havdalah
      • 8:00pm Booze in the Booth- Motzaei Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot- 2024
      Chol Hamoed Sukkot
        Chol Hamoed Sukkot
          Chol Hamoed Sukkot
            Hoshana Rabah
            • 5:31pm Candle Lighting
            Shmini Atzeret
               9:15am Meeting this Chag!
            • 6:30pm Candle Lighting
            Simchat Torah
               9:15am Meeting this Chag!
               11:30am Community Lunch- Simchat Torah- 5785
            • 5:28pm Candle Lighting
            Shabbat Mevarchim
               9:15am Meeting this Shabbat!
            • 6:27pm Havdalah
            Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
            • 5:19pm Candle Lighting
            Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
               9:15am Meeting this Shabbat!
            • 6:18pm Havdalah


            Washington Square Minyan is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization (EIN 20-2009080). All the contributions are tax-deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for contribution.

            Mon, October 21 2024 19 Tishrei 5785